I am currently fundraising to bring COVID relief to Metikuppe village, located in the Kabini Forest, Karnataka (India).
Below are a list of charitable organizations that I support with funds from my print sales. Every time you buy a print, or donate a cup of tea, a portion is set aside for the purpose of donations. I present this (growing) list here for your consideration, and I thank you for your interest and attention.
Organization List
CAMFED – Provides support for women’s education across Africa.
Carity: Water – Provides support to combat and end the global water crisis.
Fistula Foundation – Partners with local hospitals and doctors to perform surgeries to women suffering from obstetric fistula.
Girls not Brides – Provides support to end child marriages and empower girls.
Goonj – Distributes underutilized materials from urban areas to rural areas in India. These efforts positively impact: disaster relief, education, the environment, health and sanitation, infrastructure, water access and cleanliness.
International Rescue Commitee – Global disaster relief with targeted campaigns.
National Women’s Law Center – Providing legal support and advocacy for gender rights and LGBTQ+ equality.
Nature Conservation Foundation – Established in 1996 as a public charitable trust, NCF’s goal is to contribute to the knowledge and conservation of India’s unique wildlife heritage with innovative research and imaginative solutions.
Women for Women – Invests in women survivors of war and conflict, providing them with social and economic skills to transform their own lives.
Art, Literature, & Journalism
4Plus – Armenian independent documentary photography center founded in 2012.
Visit their shop, product purchases fund the organization, local artists and communities.
Out of Eden Walk – Journalist Paul Salopek’s nearly decade-long journey walking the human migration path with the help and participation of a global team of dedicated journalists, storytellers, and coordinators. He started, back in 2013, in Africa and has been walking ever since, eventually reaching the southernmost tip of Argentina.
The Academy of American Poets – Founded in 1934 to support American poets at all stages of their careers and to foster the appreciation of contemporary poetry.
Tint Journal – Tint Journal is the first online literary journal with an explicit focus on writers who produce creative texts in English as their second or non-native language.
Support them on Ko-fi
Notes: If you are wondering where to start on your own path of charity, consider looking into charities that empower, protect, and provide services to women. The broad term “women’s issues” does a disservice to the fact that women’s issues are core economic issues. Empowering women and eliminating gender inequality is crucial for a better global quality of life.
If you aren’t able to support a cause financially, that’s okay and you should not feel guilty or powerless to lend your support to a cause that you care about. Many of these organizations are global in reach and focus while others are local. Aside from financial support, you can lend your time or your attention to an important issue. Pay attention to the stories that are impacting your own local community. And consider shopping local at small businesses rather than from large online retailers. Trust me, it makes a difference.